WordPress calls them plugins, Prestashop calls them modules. Whatever you call them, plugins or modules are designed to add extra functionality to your website.

From giving you feedback forms, galleries, shops on your blog or blogs on your shop there is an unbeleiveable myriad of options and capabilities out there.

Ready-made, Free or Non-free

Visit the Plugins section of your WordPress website, select Add New and be prepared to be dazzled by the variety and depth of the Plugins on offer. Some plugins are out-and-out free, some are free but with the possibility to pay for extra capabilities - these are known as “freemium”. Whether or not you’ll have to pay depends on what your needs are. It’s amazing how far you can get without having to pay.

Custom made

Sometimes, despite the apparent choice, you just won’t be able to find a module / plugin that does exactly what you want. Or, existing modules have had to be made so general, so configurable and so adaptable to so many different situations and uses that they have become heavy and a drain on the website’s resources. When that happens, things tend to slow down, odd failures occur and your website visitors lose patience and go elsewhere.

I’ve made many plugins and modules to fulfil specific niche uses.

  • Posting manifest for Royal Mail services on Prestashop
  • RSS based events scraper for pulling events from one site and displaying them on a WordPress website
  • Interactive form for awards entry
  • and many more…